Wednesday, January 28, 2009

16 weeks!!!!!!!

I had my 16 week appt today. Things are still going great! I got to hear the heartbeat again (which is way too amazing) and the doc said he could hear the baby moving around with his doppler. =) Hopefully I'll start feeling it very soon...can't wait! I'll be 17 weeks along tomorrow.

I go back on February 25th for the big ultrasound and my 20 week appt. Please pray that everything goes well. We're excited to find out what we are having, but also know the main reason for the appt is to make sure everything is good with the baby's organs, etc. It's hard to believe we are getting close to the half way mark!

I am also feeling 5,000 times better. I didn't think I would ever get over being sick...2 months was way too long!

We love you guys and are so thankful for you and your prayers. It really means more than you know!!


Anonymous said...

So good to hear you're feeling better! Keep taking care of yourself! :)